From the North (Cleveland Area), I-77 South to exit # 129-follow I 76 west to exit # 18 follow I-277/I-224 East, one mile to exit # 2, turn right onto West Waterloo, we are ¼ mile on the left, first drive after the RR tracks.
From the South on I-77, I-77 North to exit # 122B, follow I-277/I-224 West to Exit # 2 (Rt93-Manchester Rd/Waterloo rd) turn right on Manchester, immediate left on West Waterloo, we are ¼ mile on the left, first drive after the RR tracks.
From the West I-71 North or South, Exit # 209 follow I-76/I-224 East 18 miles to I-277 East to Exit # 2 (Waterloo rd/Manchester Rd) turn right on West Waterloo, ¼ on the left first drive after the RR tracks.
From the East (Youngstown. Pittsburgh), I-76 West to Exit # 18 follow I-277/224 East one mile to exit # 2 (Waterloo Rd/Manchester Rd) turn right on W Waterloo ¼ mile on the left, first drive after the RR tracks.
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